Sep 17Liked by Dr. Marian Laderoute

Thank you for this data! It confirms what I experienced. All of my clients, except one, are vaxxed. As an unvaxxed, sensitive person, I have been so sick with “upper respiratory illnesses” and/or other “viral” symptoms ever since the bioweapons were deployed, including this summer after a couple clients faithfully for boosted for the 6th, 7th or 8th time!As a cleaner, I’m constantly breathing in their shedding.

I need to start asking if they’ve been boosted and demand seeing their cards so I can drop them as clients.

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8 hrs agoLiked by Dr. Marian Laderoute

Peter McCullough MD, Anti-Spike Antibodies Among Vaccinated Predict Major Adverse Events after Myocardial Infarction

Lab Test Indirectly Implicates Spike as Cause of Complications after Heart Attack


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