If we look at the 2021 and 2022 monthly average non-C19 mortality rate in the vaxed {2021 Shedding/total non-C19 = 6405/8364 x 100 = 76.6 % and in 2022 6783/8741 x 100 =77.6 %) we see that the alleged level of shedding does not improve in the ever vaccinated from 2021 to 2022. If these data are true, it would mean shedding is doing more killing than the toxicity from the direct injection of the mRNA gene therapy shot in the vaccinated. The only way this might be possible is that integration may be more likely with shedding as I explained a few days ago. Kevin McKernan has preliminary evidence for integration that he revealed today but I don't know if he has tried to assess if it is from the primary injection or shed gene therapy materials; or even if it was observed in the ever vaccinated or the never vaccinated.

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See info at https://twitter.com/TheChiefNerd/status/1761129932929868192 and follow Kevin McKernan at @Kevin_McKernan.

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On a small (very) note--Yay for writing "these" data!

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Yes it does, thank you. Are you making any distinction between shedding-related deaths and other vaccine injury deaths in the vaccinated population?

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Am I understanding correctly that you are suggesting all excess death in the unvaccinated could possibly be attributed to shedding?

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No, first the excess all-cause mortality (EACM) includes all the COVID-19 deaths and whatever was caused by shedding. To estimate shedding I have used the nadir of 795 deaths per 100,000 person-years (May 2022) as the best guesstimate of the "excesses over the background mortality rate" in the non-C19 death category for the unvaccinated (which would cover expected levels of mortality based on previous years plus pandemic associated suicides, overdoses and accidents. {Note that some suicides and accidents could have been secondary to the effects of shedding.} For the vaccinated I used the nadir of the non-C19 mortality from January 2021 which was 1958 deaths per 100,000 person-years which is about 2.5 higher. One would expect the persons who commonly took 3 and up to 5 mRNA vaccine doses were older and sicker, meaning the background non-C19 mortality rate in the highly vaccinated should have been higher, which it was. If we assume shedding deaths and COVID-19 deaths contributed to the total excess all-cause mortality (EACM), then in the unvaxed for 2021 the % excess was 64.5 % which went to 33 % in 2022, while for the vaxed the EACM was 78 % in 2021 and 79.0% in 2022. This showed the unvaxed was at lower risk of shedding and COVID-19 by 2022 whereas the vaxed remained relatively high. This was likely due to the mRNA gene therapy high dose inoculations causing loss of the critical trained innate immunity host defense. I hope this answers your question.

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