This is great work, many thanks for bringing light to darkness. In 2020, long before the vaccines, it was discovered that 68% of the population of Khayelitsha South Africa, tested positive for antibodies against SARS-Covid-2, at a time when “experts” were telling us, herd immunity is impossible. I’m sure this was because of the miraculous HERV-102k macrophages, which we now know, we’re utterly destroyed by the vaccines.

Of course, any one who worked in public health, like myself, knew that a mass vaccination program in the middle of a pandemic was madness, giving rise to all these mutations, and any “vaccine” that worked by turning our cells into viral antigens, was gravely misconceived, producing prions from misfolding proteins and auto-antibodies against targeted organs and micro clots from ACE-2 receptors on platelets in lung reservoirs. Madness beyond Dr Strangelove!

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Do read this careful genetic drift and transmission analysis. The virus was already there.

China’s CCP Concealed SARS-CoV-2 Presence in China as Far Back as March 2018


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What I have read here is an “hypothesis” which supports a narrative of what may have happened, known of which contradicts the theory madness of a mass vaccination program in the middle of a global pandemic, or the completely crazy idea that a “vaccine” that turns out cells into viral antigens can immunize us from our own auto-immune antibodies.

Lastly, we need to understand How this new mRNA vaccine platform, was already prepared and patented by DARPA funding long before December 2019 or 2018? Also why were these vaccines used under EUR until they could be folded into children’s immunization vaccine requirements, that don’t need to have full testing, and manufacturers cant be sued?

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There are lots of holes in the control-narrative, are there not?

It's not "madness", is it? It is a strategic plan, isn't it?

The plan seems to be a mass cull of humans, with confiscation of their assets worldwide.

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It does seem intentional to me, sad to say.

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That’s a big leap, and a scary one!

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May 23Liked by Dr. Marian Laderoute

Sigh, ... it's like rat-poison; "mostly harmless".


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For disappointed Canucks fans, follow this logic through to star forward Brock Boeser's withdrawal from the last game due to "blood clots."

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